Onsite Resources Overview

Finding information on onsite chiropractic care across the web can be time consuming. AlignHQ provides these resources here for you to review. It is another example of the convenience that drives us to improve the workplace.

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The growing role of doctors of chiropractic in on-site corporate health clinics

The publication from the Foundation 4 Chiropractic Progress (F4CP) highlights role and impact of chiropractic care for employers.

Notable clinic insight from chiropractors with Cisco, Facebook, and Cerner.

Independent analysis from Mercer, NAWHC, and National Business Group on Health.

Research from various occupational professional journals and recommendations from American College of Physicians and WHO.



On-Site Chiropractic Care Offers Multiple Benefits

This article from Risk&Insurance states that, “Employers that offer on-site chiropractic care are experiencing reduced costs related to musculoskeletal injuries as well as reduce injury frequency.”


National Association of Worksite Health Centers Releases Research on Use and Potential Value of Doctors of Chiropractic in Employer Worksite Clinics

A publication from NAWHC evaluates current onsite services provided by chiropractors. The summary of this publication is provided by BusinessWire, see the below link.

The article details considerations for future expansion of chiropractic services among employers.



Workplace Wellness and On-site Chiropractic Services: Is There a Chiropractor in the House?

LexisNexis sees value in onsite chiropractic care through a review of a case study that focuses on Cerner Corporation’s experience with onsite care.


What’s the Hard Return on Employee Wellness Programs?

Harvard Business Review investigates the claims of wellness programs and provides well reasoned guidelines for a comprehensive wellness program structured around 6 distinct pillars.

Specifically, two pillars within the HBR article emphasize partnerships with wellness professionals through integrative onsite care that includes chiropractic care.

Also provided are ROI figures with yields that range from 2.7 to 6 dollars per invested dolla