Do you have an onsite chiropractor? The statistics and experts suggest that you should!
AlignHQ Utilizes A Minimal Office Setup for Onsite Care
Are you concerned about giving up valuable office space to accommodate onsite care? Don’t be! AlignHQ onsite chiropractic care is a solution for small to medium businesses that want to provide a convenient health benefit to their employees while minimizing business disruptions.
A medium-sized office, small group breakout room, gym or other available office space all serve as good locations for onsite chiropractic care that AlignHQ offers. The biggest requirement is space and privacy. See how a simple office can easily be transformed into convenient care to the health and well-being of employees.
An unused private office allows plenty of space for the minimal footprint required by an onsite visit.
The minimal footprint of AlignHQ equipment as it would be setup during an onsite care visit.
5 Stretches Every Employee Needs
Stretching is overlooked too often even though it is valuable to our well being. It is one part of total wellness that can help you live a healthier and more productive life. Establishing a routine will help you be successful in your stretching endeavors and minimize or eliminate many of the aches and pains caused by the modern work environment.
Here are some of the most important, yet easy to do at work, stretches that everyone needs in their lives. Each of these stretches prevent conditions that can disrupt your work life. So I've also included my personal schedule of when to do them so they stay in your life. Adopt it as your own or re-organize to meet your needs.
The goal is daily care for physical demands you place on your body. Take note of how they will improve your daily life and share it here in the comments - who knows, you could inspire others to be healthier and happier with your own experience!
Hip Flexor
By now, it should not be a secret, this muscle group has a role in much of the aches and pains we experience in today's society. Consider them as "sitting muscles". While you don't consciously use them while you sit, they are shortened because of the incredible amount of time we spend in a seated position. This lack of physical attention can contribute to lower back pain. Think of all the time dedicated to things you do seated - commute to and from work, work itself, meetings, travel, TV at home and more. There are plenty of reasons why this type of stretch is so important.
Hip Flexor
Desk Stretch
1. Start at a half-kneeling position.
2. Place hands on top of desk or support object.
3. Squeeze glutes and pull in core.
(think of pushing your hip against resistance)
4. Press down on desk or support.
*Avoid arching your lower back.
In a successful stretch, you will feel tension in front of your thigh and hip.
Image credit to
Here is another key stretch! We use this muscle group often too. The muscles of the chest are responsible for bringing and keeping your hands and arms in front of you. You will notice rounding of the back and shoulders when these become far too tight. It can also cause numbness and coldness of fingers and hands by compressing blood and nerve bundles. Admittedly, stretching is only one portion of this. Balancing our strength, posture, and movement habits are also necessary - stick around for this in a future blog from me.
Open Chest Stretch
1. Sit up straight and tall in your chair.
2. Open your arms wide to make a T shape with your body.
3. Repeat again to make a Y shape with your body by raising your arms slightly overhead.
4. It is important to keep your thumps pointed up toward the ceiling.
The last of the three most important relevant stretches in our lives - is now becoming an epidemic of sorts. It goes by many names. Newly termed Text Neck, or my personal term iPosture, really is degenerating our health at a slow, near imperceptible pace. It isn't confined to use of mobile tech - poor ergonomics in every area of life can contribute. Especially at the office! But through these stretches, you can trade your aches for happier, healthier work or play. In extreme cases I have seen disc bulges with neurological symptoms caused by poor posture habits.
Gentle Neck Stretch
1. Facing forward, place a hand on top of your head with the fingers just above and behind your ear.
2. Tilt your head toward your raised arm creating tension on the neck muscles.
3. Only use gentle pressure, about the weight of your hand.
4. To increase the intensity of this stretch, begin by grabbing the chair seat with your free hanging arm.
5. Repeat this stretch with your head tilted forward and down to target different muscles.
This will not be the last time I warn about poor posture leading toward problems. So, with consistent and regular use of these stretches, it is my hope those concerns won't apply to you in the future.
The following muscles groups are closely associated with those mentioned above. A stretching equivalent to dental flossing. These will support a more complete approach to your health routine through stretching.
Similar to the hips, these are affected by our time spent sitting. They also find themselves doing work meant for other muscles, but I will discuss this in future articles.
Standing Hip Hinge Hamstring Stretch
1. Begin in a standing position.
2. Place one foot out in front of you with the heel on the ground and the toes pointed up.
3. Bend the opposite leg at the knee to feel the stretch while keeping your back straight by allowing your hip to hinge.
4. Placing your hand on your hips may also help you maintain good posture during the stretch.
Image credit to
The majority of muscles used for hand motions exist here in the forearm. If you are experiencing numbness and heavy arms when you wake - take immediate action to care for these muscles as they may be the culprit. You’ll be thanking yourself with these for actively stretching to dodge carpal tunnel syndrome.
Forearm Table Top Stretch
1. Find a suitable flat, stable surface to begin with that at or below the level of your wrist while standing upright.
2. Place one or both hands on the desk so that the fingers are facing your body.
3. Start with your shoulders in front of your wrists, increasing tension by shifting your upper body in the direction of your fingers. Do not compress the wrist.
Lower Leg
Similar to the hands, a number of muscles that move the feet (primarily walking and driving) are in the lower leg.
Standing Hamstring Stretch
1. Using a wall or stable fixture, begin by taking a step backward.
2. Straighten the back leg by extending the knee, pressing your heel down into the ground.
3. Shift your hips forward to increase the stretch.
As promised - A simple daily guide to these important stretches. Takes breaks from you desk work to do these stretches several times throughout the day. As your routine improves, you may not need to stretch more than once or twice a week.
Now, if your aches and pains see no signs of improvement or are getting worse - it is time to see a doctor. There is chance that one or more joints in the body is not functioning correctly and needs to be corrected by a chiropractor. If there is more going on under the surface your chiropractic doctor can help direct you to appropriate care.
Also, If you'd just like some personal guidance and help getting the stretches down or would like to take care of your aches and pains quicker, through more advanced anatomical stretching techniques that are not possible to do on your own - advocate to your company to have an onsite chiropractor through AlignHQ or reach out to us by email to set up a telemedicine appointment.
The AlignHQ Onsite Care Process
One of the first questions asked of me when discussing AlignHQ is “How does the whole process happen?”. The process includes several stages and AlignHQ makes every effort to live up to its value of convenience. This article outlines the details beginning with a business’s first interest all the way through to the first onsite day.
Stage 1 - Interest in Onsite Care
Connect with AlignHQ to discover what Onsite Care can do for a business and its employees.
If AlignHQ seems like a great fit, then the next goal is to complete the first stage.
Stage 2 - Decision Making
Identify what aspects of employee health the business is trying to improve or agree upon a simple initiative towards general health and wellness.
Find a provider who fits within Company Culture.
Co-ordinate a date and frequency for visits appropriate to the size of the business and the number of employees likely to engage with the onsite benefit.
Briefly plan in-office logistics during a one-hour meeting and tour with AlignHQ at the interested business party’s location.
Stage 3 - Introductions
Introduce employees to the AlignHQ concept, the plan, and how to participate through AlignHQ-provided internal communications that make implementation simple and easy.
Have interested employees complete pre-participation documentation online.
Then employees can select an appointment time that easily fits their workday.
Some time slots are reserved for walk-ins.
Stage 4 - The Onsite Day
Pre-Onsite Day reminders at intervals of 2-weeks, week-of, and day-before.
Arrival and Setup, at least 30 minutes prior to start time.
Onsite services provided during the agreed-upon Half or Full day period.
Employees will have access to post-appointment resources, specifically tailored to their needs.
Recurring Processes
While both you and AlignHQ make every effort for each day to go off without a hitch, the reality is that improvements will be made to better serve both your company and the employees.
AlignHQ will continually improve and refine its operations to better suit the needs unique to your employees and business.
AlignHQ Chiropractic Techniques
I was recently asked the question 'what techniques do you use?' by a new patient who is familiar to chiropractic care. As many of the people I care for have never seen a chiropractor... I don't receive this question often. But I know that it's a question many people would like to ask; So I will answer it here. Before I explain the techniques I use, I want to review the reason for their use.
I am looking to restore or improve the condition of your spine - since it is one of the most important body structures. All of the information your brain transmits through the nervous system each day is protected and supported by your spine. When the spine is not functioning to the best of its capability this can impact the way we experience life. This dysfunction is often experienced as pain, fatigue, or an aching movement that just feels off. This is often due to misalignment of the spinal joints.
Now, there are several methods I may use to restore and improve this dysfunction. These include diversified adjustments through manual manipulation, an Activator adjusting instrument, or SOT blocks. I also address other dysfunction found in the body with myofascial therapies and targeted exercises to improve the body and brain connection.
The first method is considered a traditional adjustment using an understanding of spinal mechanics to correct misalignment. During the adjustment a force is applied quickly to specific segments within the spine. My adjustments begin with little force, then apply additional force incrementally until the correct amount is reached. I believe that too much force is more likely to result in an uncomfortable adjustment.
The other two methods are used in combination, the SOT blocks and the Activator adjusting instrument, for those who do not prefer the manual manipulation method. The blocks are positioned underneath the hips while the patient lays comfortably on their stomach. This is most beneficial to those with acute pain with movement or who have limited range of motion.
We often care for the health of our teeth more than we do our spine. This is true for many and when you stop to think on it - when is the last time you did anything to improve the health of your spine? You likely remember to keep your dental visits or brush and floss daily. So focus on the other important areas of your health, like your spine.
Does onsite care differ from the care you receive in a traditional office?
Increasing health costs are resulting in lower utilization... and it's not a good thing.
While not all ailments fall under the realm of physical medicine or need to be addressed by an onsite chiropractor - having one does offer employees a sense of security. Convenient access to the opinion of a health care provider can mean the difference in the life of someone who lacks certainty or encouragement to address their health.
Playing ping-pong again!
2018 Testimonial Highlights
An employee injured his shoulder and was no longer able to raise his hand above his waist. This frustration for him is two fold. He a passionate ping pong player, the company’s reigning champion of the ping pong table, and his department role was impacted due to his newly acquired disability.
This employee had already consulted his primary care, who's recommendations provided little relief. A comprehensive approach centered around chiropractic adjustments to the spine and involved shoulder had him raising his hand up over his head immediately. His first visit with us was a tremendous success!
Our continued care had him back to the top of the company's competition in no time and fully functioning in his role within his department.
A growing demand for work-life balance is changing the employee benefits landscape
Employee health needs are changing, especially as we progress further into the information age where everything is expected to be instantaneous. As our world becomes more interconnected new demands are placed on the employee, both at work and at home, limiting the time available to seek health solutions. Longer work hours and commutes are only a portion of those challenges.
Employers have long recognized the need for a healthy employee base by providing health resources and benefits to their staff. Employer provided benefits have shaped a more reliable workforce, but the implementation of many benefits creates some inefficiencies. These inefficient benefits consume the time of both the employee and employer through offsite care. Taking time from work to maintain one’s health requires either sacrificing the personal time of the employee or billed to the employer as Paid Time Off. Time which is better spent in relaxation to recharge for future days of work.
The time an employee uses to access effective offsite health care options, like chiropractic care, reduces the time available to the company or the employee. The duration of transportation, waiting area, the visit, and return trip accumulate to a sum of several hours per week. That sum is further compounded by each additional visit during the week. Access to many current health solutions are clearly inefficient for both.
However, onsite care is an efficient solution for these much needed health resources and benefits. These health solutions are proven, but their model is becoming obsolete in our digital age.
A new model that is structured upon the house call services provided routinely by doctors of the past is re-envisioned, as onsite care.